Thrive & Transform Coaching Program.

Learn to thrive and transform in 90 days. Discover the keys to consistent self-care and practices like meditation, right where you are.

Have you heard the story of J.K. Rowling?

Her transformation didn’t involve traveling the world or seeking external validation; it came from persevering through personal struggles and focusing on her passion for writing.

Rowling faced significant challenges, including financial hardships and personal setbacks, but she turned her experiences into a world-renowned success with the Harry Potter series. Her story is about profound transformation achieved through dedication and resilience, right where she was.

This narrative continues to inspire countless people to pursue their own journeys of self-discovery and personal growth.

We all have a natural desire for change and improvement, but not everyone has the time or means to embark on a grand adventure to achieve it.

Many people face their own unique challenges—unfulfilling jobs, health issues, family difficulties, or personal doubts—right in their everyday lives.

The key to transformation is understanding that you don’t need to make drastic changes or escape your current situation to experience growth.

Here's how it works...

I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of individuals, helping them overcome addictions and transform their lives. My approach is rooted in deep personal experience and proven techniques, which have guided many through their own profound changes.

True transformation doesn’t require leaving your current situation behind. It’s about embracing consistent, meaningful practices, like meditation, right where you are.

That’s the essence of my 90-Day Thrive and Transform Coaching Program. It’s designed to help you achieve significant personal growth and maintain consistency in self-care practices, without needing to make drastic changes or escape your everyday life.

"George’s work in guiding me through meditation and self-care led to profound personal growth and lasting change right in my everyday life."

Have you ever found yourself thinking, "I'll be content when I reach this milestone, hit that target, or achieve that goal...?"

It’s a common pitfall. We’re constantly encouraged to believe that happiness is just beyond our grasp, tied to external achievements. I call this the "Happiness Chase."

For instance, I once believed that selling our rental property and achieving a significant financial milestone would bring me lasting happiness. However, even after reaching these goals, I found that my sense of fulfillment didn’t change any more than it had before.

The "Happiness Chase" is the mistaken belief that our well-being depends on acquiring or achieving something outside of ourselves. It’s an illusion that success or possessions will lead to true contentment.

Real fulfillment comes from shifting your focus inward and making consistent, meaningful changes in your daily life.

That’s exactly what my 90-Day Thrive and Transform Coaching Program offers. It’s designed to help you escape the "Happiness Chase," guiding you to find enduring satisfaction and growth through small, deliberate actions rather than relying on distant goals or external markers of success.

90 Days to Master Thriving

Unveil the Power of Your Inner Potential:

Your “90-Day Thrive and Transform Experience”

This is your opportunity to create lasting change in just 90 days, all within the comfort of your everyday life.

Instead of relying on fleeting external solutions, our comprehensive program is designed to help you establish a daily meditation practice and self-care routine that you genuinely look forward to. You’ll receive the accountability and expert support needed to break free from the cycle of temporary fixes and build lasting, meaningful habits.

Who this is for...

  • You’ve tried countless $99 meditation apps and courses without success and now seek expert guidance and support.

  • You’re tired of struggling to find the energy to handle daily demands and want to build a routine that energizes you.

  • You’ve overcome major addictions like alcohol but find yourself held back in other ways and want to address these remaining obstacles.

  • You’re ready to stop relying on vices and want to experience genuine thriving and well-being.

  • You’re motivated to do the inner work necessary to create a fulfilling and balanced life.

  • You recognize that true transformation comes from within and are excited to embark on a journey of personal growth.

What you will achieve...

Over the course of 90 days, you’ll engage in tailored coaching and practical exercises designed to help you:

  • Develop a daily meditation and self-care practice that you’ll enjoy and maintain.

  • Gain the energy and resilience to handle everyday challenges with ease.

  • Move beyond temporary fixes like binge-watching TV shows, using caffeine for energy, or relying on junk food for comfort, and experience lasting changes in your overall well-being.

  • Address and overcome obstacles that may be holding you back, even if you’ve already conquered major addictions.

  • Break free from reliance on vices and cultivate a thriving, healthy lifestyle.

As a special bonus, this program includes exclusive access to any of my upcoming in-person Vedic Meditation weekend retreats.

This weekend retreat will provide you with hands-on, immersive meditation training and personal insights that will greatly enhance your journey.

If you're unable to attend any of my upcoming weekend retreats, you'll have the option to join a future retreat, ensuring you receive the transformative experience that best fits your schedule.

This isn’t just another self-guided program—it’s a transformative journey that provides you with the tools and support to make a real difference in your life.

By the end of these 90 days, you’ll look back with pride at the growth and transformation you’ve achieved from within.

“Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.” – Napoleon Hill

What the Journey Looks Like...

  • Daily Prompts: Thoughtful prompts to keep you focused and inspired.

  • Group & Private Coaching: Regular check-ins and personal support to track your progress.

  • Transformative Experiences: Activities designed to create profound personal growth.

  • Self-Paced Challenges: Engage with challenges at your own pace to foster development.

  • In-Person Meditation Training: Join me for immersive, hands-on meditation training.

  • Bi-Weekly Group Calls: Participate in bi-weekly group sessions to discuss your progress and insights.

  • Bi-Weekly Private Calls: Benefit from bi-weekly private coaching sessions for personalized guidance.

  • Global Community: Connect with a network of like-minded individuals who will support and cheer you on.

Each day of the 90-day program is carefully designed to help you thrive and transform.

Expect to Achieve:

  • A Daily Self-Care Routine: Establish a meditation practice you eagerly anticipate each morning.

  • Clarity on Your Path and Purpose: Explore your curiosities, identify your direction, and take initial steps toward your goals.

  • Overcoming Major Obstacles: Tackle and move beyond significant barriers that hold you back.

  • Enhanced Physical Wellbeing: Complete a fast and improve your overall health.

  • Personal Growth: Evolve into the person you aspire to be while achieving your goals.

  • Daily Breathwork Practice: Learn and integrate breathwork into your daily routine.

  • Engagement with a Thriving Community: Be part of George’s vibrant online community.

  • Increased Presence and Purpose: Discover your role in humanity’s evolution and cultivate mindfulness.

  • Effective Movement Practice: Find a physical activity that resonates with you and supports your well-being.

  • Childlike Wonder: Reconnect with activities that inspire awe and excitement.

  • Eliminating Negative Habits: Stop doom-scrolling, pornography, and emotional eating.

  • Daily Gratitude Practice: Develop a habit of gratitude to enhance your outlook.

  • Manifesting: Learn how to manifest anything you want.

  • Random Acts of Kindness: Learn to perform acts of kindness to enrich your life and others.

  • Internal Fulfillment: Tap into your own reservoir of joy and bliss, reducing reliance on external sources for happiness.

How far you go is up to you—this program is designed to empower you to reach your fullest potential.

You’ll embark on this journey alongside a dynamic, global community and receive my personal guidance and accountability throughout the process.

Please note: This coaching program requires a low four-figure investment, with flexible payment plans available. The program is currently open, and you can book a call to discover all the details and explore if it’s the right fit for you.


  • “With George’s guidance, I’ve overcome old habits and now approach life with renewed energy and purpose.”

    Andy S.

  • “George’s insight and support transformed my daily routine and gave me the tools to thrive.”

    Gulia F.

  • “The personalized coaching I received from George has led to profound and lasting changes in my well-being.”

    Dave K.

Hear from others who have embarked on this journey and experienced profound transformations through my programs....

“Working with George has been a game-changer for me. His guidance and support helped me establish a consistent meditation practice and self-care routine that I genuinely look forward to every day. I've finally managed to overcome old habits and feel more energized and focused than ever before.” Joey R.

“George’s coaching provided the accountability I needed to make lasting changes in my life. His approach was both compassionate and effective, and I’ve seen significant improvements in my well-being and mindset. The transformation I’ve experienced is beyond what I could have imagined.” Seth H.

“I was skeptical at first, but George’s expertise and personalized support made all the difference. He helped me break free from my reliance on unhealthy habits and guided me towards a more fulfilling and balanced life. The positive changes I’ve achieved are truly remarkable.” Allen S.

Thrive & Transform Coaching Program.

Are you ready to transform your life in just 90 days?

Imagine setting ambitious personal goals with the enthusiasm of a new chapter. In the beginning, you're energized and dedicated. However, as time progresses, many people struggle to maintain their commitment. Research shows that while 40% of people are motivated in the first few weeks, only 25% stay on track after three months, and just 15% reach their goals by the end of the year.

How long do you want to keep striving before your goals become a forgotten aspiration?

Please note: This coaching program requires a low four-figure investment, with flexible payment plans available. The program is currently open, and you can book a call to discover all the details and explore if it’s the right fit for you.